Our Top 5 Predictions for 2024 Cybersecurity Landscape

Our Top 5 Predictions for 2024 Cybersecurity Landscape

Our Top 5 Predictions for 2024 Cybersecurity Landscape

As we step into 2024, technology is making significant progress, and predictions indicate that the world will generate 147 zettabytes of data daily this year, an increase from 22.5% in 2023. This brings both exciting advancements and new challenges in the realm of cybersecurity. Technology’s central role in our daily lives amplifies the critical need for robust cybersecurity measures. 

As industry experts in data protection and risk mitigation, we are excited to share our top 5 predictions for cybersecurity in 2024. Below, we’ll explore the trends and developments that we believe will shape the landscape in the coming year. 


1. C-Suite Accountability Takes Center Stage

We anticipate a paradigm shift in the cybersecurity landscape in 2024. Data breaches will surge dramatically, accompanied by a proportional increase in penalties. The C-Suite, once shielded behind the CISO, will find themselves personally entangled in more legal cases. No longer able to deflect blame, executives must grapple with the repercussions of cybersecurity incidents on an individual level as we’ve seen with CEO’s receiving suspended prison sentences and losing their jobs (You can read more about the critical role of the C-Suite in data protection in our whitepaper here.)

This prediction highlights the urgency for top-level executives to understand and embrace cybersecurity responsibility, acknowledging that negligence can no longer be shifted solely onto the cybersecurity team. Executives must recognise that safeguarding data aligns with their regulatory obligations. 


2. Increased Emphasis on AI-Powered Threat Detection

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) have been instrumental in enhancing cybersecurity efforts, and this trend is set to continue in 2024. 

AI detection, analytics, and reporting, while serving as retrospective controls, are acknowledged as insufficient in reducing the likelihood or impact of a breach and are often considered too late in the realm of data protection. In the face of sophisticated cyber threats, the C-Suite must not only embrace the proactive use of AI but also recognise its limitations, understanding that comprehensive cybersecurity extends beyond retrospective measures and a pro-active control is needed such as DPRM. This sophisticated approach becomes integral to fortifying defences against a wide range of cyber threats and safeguarding businesses, C-suites, and the impacted customer base.

3. Proliferation of Zero Trust Security Models

Traditional security models that rely on perimeter defences are proving increasingly inadequate in the face of modern cyber threats as demonstrated by the surge in data breaches, with the total number reaching a staggering 6 billion in 2023. In 2024, the adoption of Zero Trust Security Models will become more widespread. This approach assumes that no entity, whether inside or outside the network, should be trusted by default. Instead, continuous verification is required for anyone trying to access resources, leading to a more robust and adaptive security posture that aligns with the dynamic nature of today’s digital environments. Data Protection and Risk Mitigation (DPRM) will emerge as a foundational consideration in all IT procurements, with vendors adopting the data-centric model taking the lead.

4. Organisations Switching to a Data-centric Approach

In 2024, organisations will experience a fundamental shift in perspective, recognising that a data breach problem cannot be fixed with an infrastructure solution. A pivotal move towards a data-centric security approach will unfold, prioritising the safeguarding of data over infrastructure integrity. Industry analysts will lead this change, pivoting from traditional infrastructure security advice to a firm focus on data security. The inefficacy of repeatedly deploying infrastructure security measures becomes evident, prompting a compelling embrace of a data-centric approach. This shift acknowledges that protecting data is the key element in strengthening cybersecurity defences against the evolving data threats.

5. Continued Evolution of Ransomware Tactics

Ransomware attacks have been a persistent threat as we’ve seen with an increase of over 37% in 2023, and unfortunately, they are likely to evolve in sophistication in 2024. Cybercriminals will continue to refine their tactics, possibly leveraging AI to automate and optimise attacks. Moreover, the targets may shift beyond traditional sectors to include critical infrastructure, healthcare, and emerging technologies. In light of this, organisations must adopt an offensive approach to data protection. A data breach is not a matter of ‘if’ but ‘when’ it will happen so controls must be put in place to render data so it becomes useless to the attackers. Alongside preventative measures, investing in robust incident response and recovery plans is crucial to mitigate the impact of potential ransomware attacks.

The importance of DPRM cannot be overstated. Our predictions outlined above serve as a roadmap for navigating the complex and ever-changing landscape of cyber threats in 2024. By staying proactive, embracing emerging technologies, and adopting a data-centric approach to security, organisations can better safeguard their data and ensure a secure digital future.